All in order to create and
nurture undiscovered art.
Artistic and cultural exchanges transcend time,
and strengthen the ties between Switzerland and Japan.
The thoughts of our predecessors can be seen and felt through various works of art and cultural
exchanges throughout the ages. Fondation TEI (Le Temps Est Une Illusion) aims to be a valuable bridge
between Switzerland and Japanese art and cultural exchanges, transmitting universal culture to future
generations through its timeless works and various activities.
The Fondation TEI assists Swiss and international artists by presenting their creations to the Japanese
Fondation TEI(Le Temps Est Une Illusion)は二人の偉大なスイス人、アルベルト・アインシュタインとエメ・アンベール=ドローに影響を受けました。 The Fondation TEI is influenced by two renown Swiss citizens: Albert Einstein and Aimé Humbert-Droz.
アルベルト・アインシュタインの相対性理論によると、そもそも唯一かつ絶対的な「現在」というものはなく、過去から未来にいたるあらゆる瞬間は、等しく実在しており、時間というものは単に異なる物理的体系に起きる出来事の相関を記述するための発明品にすぎない。故に、日常的に時間を感じるのは、私達が自分自身を現実の世界から切り離して、物事のありのままを見ているからなのです。 According to Albert Einstein!s theory of relativity, there is no single and absolute present. Every moment from the past to the future equally exists, hence time is nothing more than an invention for describing the correlation of events occurring in different physical systems. Therefore, the reason we feel time on a daily basis is because we separate ourselves from the world of reality and see things as they are.
外交関係の先駆者、スイスと日本の修好通商条約の立役者でもあった政治家のエメ・アンベール=ドローは、目まぐるしく変わる幕末の日本で、日本の芸術・文化に魅了され1870年に『幕末日本図絵』(原題:Le Japon Illustré )を著作しました。日本はさることながら、極東アジアに関する文献がほとんどなかった19世紀後半のヨーロッパにおいて、彼の出版物は極東のイメージを形成する上で大きな役割を果たしたと言われています。 Aimé Humbert-Droz, a politician and pioneer in diplomatic relations was a key player in the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Switzerland and Japan.He was captivated by the art and culture of Japan at the end of the rapidly changing Edo period, and wrote the "Japan Illustrated " (Original title: Le Japon Illustré ) in 1870. His publications are said to have played a major role in shaping the image of the Far East in Europe in the late 19th century, when there was little literature on Far East Asia, let alone Japan.
Fondation TEI
The Fondation TEI is supported by François-Paul Journe, one of the most well-known living
watchmakers. He established in 1999 his manufacture in Geneva, Switzerland, from where are
produced mesmerizing complications that uniquely capture the passage of time.
Facing difficulties when repairing 17th- to 19th-century wall clocks, Francois-Paul Journe replaced
brass used with 18K rose gold, to render his movements everlasting.
In the beginning of the 21st century, he opened his first worldwide boutique in Tokyo, fascinated by the culture and refinement of Japanese craftsmen.
Mirko Baselgiawebsite
ミルコ・バーゼルジアはチューリッヒ芸術大学で美術を学び、現在はスイスの山地を拠点に活動しています。彼の作品は彼を取り巻く環境からインスピレーションを受け、人間と自然界が持つ必要不可欠な相互依存関係の繋がりを表現するため、多岐に渡って制作されています。 Mirko Baselgia (1982, lives and works in the Swiss mountains) graduated from the Zurich School of Art with a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Visual Arts. The importance of the respectful use of local materials and natural resources, and the impact of our consumption choices on the environment are at the heart of his practice, which seeks to move ever closer to a vision of environmental and social sustainability.
Philippe Cramerwebsite
フィリップ・クラマーは、ニューヨークのパーソンズ・スクール・オブ・デザインで19世紀と20世紀の装飾芸術史の学位を取得し、美術の学士号を取得しました。その後、2001年にCramer+Cramerを設立しジュネーブを拠点に活動するようになります。 Philippe Cramer obtained a diploma in the History of Decorative Arts of the 19th and 20th Centuries and a Bachelor in Fine Arts from Parson’s School of Design in New York. In 2001, he founded Cramer + Cramer and launched his creative studio.
Inaugural exhibition of Foundation TEI with Mirko Baselgia and Philippe Cramer “Le Temps est une Illusion”,
installation view at La Collezione Uno, Tokyo, 25 - 30 May, 2024. Courtesy of Fondation TEI. Photo: Kenji Takahashi May 2024年5月25–30日
東京にてエキシビション開催 Exhibition to be held in Tokyo in 25 - 30 May, 2024. more -
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